A little bit about us

Our Story

For me, Cass, the inspiration for this this business lies in two distinct childhood memories I have of printed photos, and the hope that I could create similarly moving experiences for my children. The first memory is of excitement; of filling up my disposable camera and then finally getting the prints back from the pharmacy not knowing what was going to come out. Even the memory of shuffling through those photos for the first time gives me warm fuzzies. Looking at them now, they are a real insight into how I saw the world as a child. 

The second memory is of awe; of going to my grandparents’ house and carefully rifling through an old wooden box filled to the brim with loose prints.

Even then, these images were a priceless documentation of the history of my father and his family. The feeling of holding these moments from lives past, which could otherwise be long forgotten, in my hands is indescribable. I recently found myself in this position again when sorting through my grandfather’s old photos after he passed away. I came across an image almost a century old, yet in amazing condition — my dear grandad, aged two. It wasn’t a professional portrait; it was simply him sitting outside his family home, taken by his mum.

It is so important to properly print your photos. The better quality the print the longer it will last. We aim to bring you prints and frames that will stand the test of time. Preserving your history. 

My passion for printed art works is brought to life with the help of my partner Shaun who shares the same love for printed tangible memories. From an Aeronautical engineering background this talented man has precision detail and brings ingenuity to Honeydew Printery which helps us offer premium products that you cannot find elseware. 

Every order from Honeydew is designed, printed and made inhouse by myself and Shaun.

Cass & Shaun

Product image

My daughter Hazel loves looking at printed memories of her and our family..